Think about the perfect future. You are probably with the people you love, doing exactly what you want to be doing. Time is no longer a factor, and the only schedule you adhere to is your own. There is probably one other key factor you don’t even consider in this fantasy, and that’s money. That is our goal for our clients. By providing comprehensive financial services and holding ourselves to the highest standard, we believe we can make that fantasy a reality for anyone who walks through our doors, and we are here to give you the tools you need to bring your vision to life.

A Clearer Future for Clients
Built On Strong Family Values
We have aligned our company’s values with our clients’, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.
When our clients are driven, hard-working, dedicated, committed, loving, fearless and family motivated, we believe they deserve the same level of service, especially in an area as important as their finances. We truly believe upholding those values is the best way to bring your dreams to life, no matter what they are. That means acting in your best interests by providing planning services that account for your entire life, all while structuring our methods around your missions and philosophies. These are our values.
01. Acting in Your Best Interests
At Bay Financial Services, it’s not just an obligation; it’s a desire. We want to align our success with yours because we believe the only true way to find success is together, and that holds true both inside and outside our office. We are also an independent firm, meaning we are agnostic and impartial. Our only commitment is to our clients, and whether you’re looking for help as an individual or as a business owner, we work tirelessly with a goal of finding the latest, most effective, longest-lasting solution possible. Our job is not complete until you achieve your goals, and even then, we’re still at your side to adjust, adapt and overcome any future obstacles.
02. Comprehensive Planning
No person on this entire planet is simply one thing. We are a complex combination of our experiences, our passions and our motivations. So why, then, would it make sense for a financial services firm to offer just one, or even a few services? We use planning strategies that are just as complex as your problems, accounting for each aspect of your life and each of your unique needs. At the same time, our goal is to simplify this process with one comprehensive plan to address each area of your life, all while giving you the tools and empowerment you need to make your dreams a reality. We are driven by the idea of a complete partnership, and we want to stand at your side for the short term and the long.
03. Mission-Driven Service
Financial services firms aren’t built on the strength of their service providers; they’re built on the empowerment of the clients. Without each person we work with, we wouldn’t be where we are today, and we wouldn’t be able to continue reaching out to help more families and business owners pursue their dreams. That’s why we lead with education and a mission to build life-long relationships. Traditionally, this starts with getting to know each of our clients on a personal level. That gives us a better chance to address their needs in the present while foreseeing potential obstacles that may arise in the future. Then, we can work to overcome those obstacles with a spectrum of services and an intimate level of care.
Meet the Bay Financial Services Team
At Bay Financial Services, we recognize that the financial services industry is not primarily about money; it is about people.
It is about doing anything we can to help our clients pursue their dreams without worrying about the monetary aspect. That is why we employ a team of not just experienced financial professionals but people who are unwavering in their commitment to making connections and positioning clients for success. Meet our team members below, and learn how they can help you achieve your goals for your future.

Our Founder
Randel M. Blake, ChFC®, MSFS
Randel M. Blake founded Bay Financial Services with a goal: give the people in this beautiful area a fighting chance to achieve their dreams and build a future without finances as a factor. He did so for nearly four decades, lending a helping hand to anyone who asked, no matter their needs, asset levels or understanding of the financial system. He was lucky enough to watch clients move into the most exciting time of their lives, which he considered the greatest blessing. Though he is no longer with us, we aim to uphold the same values he started this company with: compassion, empowerment and service before self. We thank Randel for his contributions not just to this firm or this industry but to the world, and we know his love was felt by many.
Contact Us
Are you ready to take control of your financial future?
Contact us today and start working with our team to shore up your personal financial plan as well as your company’s plan for the future. We can seamlessly integrate the two, or help you pursue individual goals to bring you peace of mind, security for your family and confidence in the longevity of your business. Fill out our form below, and we will be in touch shortly!

Locations – By Appointment Only
1307 Revolution Way
Crownsville, MD 21032-2050
319 SW 5th St., Ste 206
Des Moines, IA 50309
(410) 923-6220